salam all,
i'm so sorry i haven't been able to write, i have been busy and the situation is out of hand!!! i have been trying to reply your comments as much as i can, but if there's any that i missed please feel free to send your queries again okay? and i'll try to reply as soon as i can.
Ramadhan is upon us again, so if you have any doubts about having dental treatment during this holy month i have blogged about it here, and here. feel free to ponder, and i hope i helped in any kemusykilan that you might have :)
now i have a favour to ask from you my dear readers; please tell me the topics that you'd like me to explain or blog about, for i am now quite out of ideas! i'll be writing about dental treatment during pregnancy soon, that will be an interesting topic but there are some issues that i need to clarify about with the experts before i can blog about it.
Ramadhan kareem everyone, and May Allah Bless us all. Salam :)
ingin bertanya, kalau gigi berlubang tapi telah ditampal dengan tampalan yg sama dengan warna gigi. so boleh ke saya nak buat rawatan pemutihan gigi? ade kesan ke pada tampalan gigi tu nanti?
nak bertanya, saya telah buat tampalan gigi pada gigi depan. tampalan ikut warna gigi. kalau saya nak buat rawatan pemutihan gigi boleh ke?
pemutihan gigi adalah satu pilihan/kehendak, bukan sejenis rawatan. so the choice is up to you. cuma mungkin perlu diingat, proses pemutihan tu cuma akan putihkan gigi sebenar kita sahaja, kaler tampalan or crown yg sediaada takkan berubah.
hye doctor,
saya nak tanya..saya ada 2 crown kat gigi depan saya..actually saya plan nak buat whitening sbb gigi saya kuning disebabkan stain coffee..masa buat crown last year, doctor bagi shades yang lebih kurang warna gigi sekarang..it looks natural tapi itulah, gigi jadi agak kekuningan..apa advise doctor ye? perlu ke saya buat whitening dulu dan tukar crown ke macam mana? hope to hear from you.tq.
saya nak buat pemutihan gigi.. boleh tau dr nye klinik kat mane?? koz saya kat area kl n dah survey whitening mahal sangat.lebih dari rm500.. so mcm berminat kalau rm500 je
Salam Dr..
Sy amy dan bakal brkahwin bln 11. Sy bcadang utk buat pemutihan gigi. Adakah sy perlu lakukan scaling terlebih dahulu? Jika scaling dn pemutihan gigi berapa jumlah kosnya? Dimana lokasi klinik Dr? Terima kasih kerana membantu..
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